We invite you to dive into the heart of our church by exploring our vibrant ministries. Whether your interest in serving, connecting with others, or deepening your faith, this page is your gateway to discovering the many avenues available to you within our church family.

Bible Study
Pleasant Plains Baptist Church has been holding Bible Study (also known as “Sunday School”) since 1882. With a strong focus on spiritual maturity and growing in the Christian faith with the power of the Word, PPBC has set aside a dedicated time on Sundays at 9:00AM and Wednesday evenings for adult, youth and children groups to meet and study together. There are also small group discipleships forming (under the “Equip” pillar) to study together as well.

Weekday Preschool
The Pleasant Plains Preschool offers an established, affordable, structured preschool program that provides a much-needed service with a great reputation in our community. Currently, classes are offered for 2s, 3s, 4s and pre-K (ages 4-5) children. Classrooms are all located in our newest building in the Family Life Center (on the back side of the church campus), providing modern facilities, including the use of our gym for all students. Our Pre-K curriculum is based upon guidelines used by local and regional school systems.

Youth Ministry
Our Youth Ministry is a group for students in 6th-12th grades with fun and challenging events throughout the year. We also meet every Sunday and Wednesday for games, fellowship and Bible study. We strive to introduce each student to the love of Christ, and then challenge and train them to make Christ central in their daily lives.
We provide exciting opportunities to serve, geared directly towards students to engage the world around them and to navigate boldly and confidently with purpose. We offer mission trips (World Changers, local projects), retreats, lock-ins, and numerous other chances to get involved and plugged in to your local church through an active youth ministry. Come see what we’re doing, all we’re missing is YOU!

Children’s Ministries
AWANA clubs (“Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed” from 2 Timothy 2:15) equip local volunteers in churches with Biblical evangelism and discipleship solutions so that today’s children may become tomorrow’s Christian leaders. PPBC sponsors the Cubbies (3 – Pre-K), Sparks (K -2nd grade) and Truth & Training (3rd – 5th grade).
We also provide an exciting time of Children’s Church during the morning worship Services on Sundays, as well as a creative and fun hour of children’s ministries on Wednesday nights (6:15-7:30 PM) that your child will love!

We LOVE our neighbors! We aim to have several opportunities throughout the year to invite our neighbors who may not attend church to come enjoy events at no cost, as we try to meet and welcome them and invite them back! We also look to get off campus and into our community, striving to reach and love Matthews, Stallings, Indian Trail and beyond!
We have many missions opportunities through our Missions Team (local, state, national and international trips) and The Backpack Ministry that reaches students in our community. Won’t you come serve with us?!

Adult Ministry
Our dedicated Adult Ministries include:
Sunday School/Life Group Classes (Sun 9 AM)
Wednesday night Bible study (6:30 PM)
Ladies’ Ministry
Men’s Ministry