We’re certainly glad that you’re taking the time to get to know us. We want your visits with us to be the best experience for you, and the best representation of who we want to be.
We encourage you to enter through our “Welcome Center” on your first visit, just to the side of the Worship Center. There are parking spaces reserved specifically for YOU directly outside from the Welcome Center.
Once in the Welcome Center, you’ll discover our Welcome Team members who are here to help facilitate your visit, and guide you through your experience with us. They can answer your questions about our various ministries, and can assist you as you seek a place of worship. We can provide you a cup of coffee to help get the morning started!
We truly believe that being a part of a church family is a crucial aspect of your daily relationship with Christ, so we want to help you feel comfortable in visiting for the first time. If we can assist you in any way, or if you have any questions during the week, please Contact Us here. We’d be glad to share more with you about our church and ministries.

Weekly Recurring Schedule
Sundays at PPBC
9:00am - 10:00am: Connect Groups/Bible Study
10:00am - 11:15am: Morning Worship
10:30am - 11:15am: Kid’s Worship*
*Kid’s Worship: During the 10:00am Sunday morning worship service, ages K-5th grade children can start with their families initially, but then have the opportunity to leave partway through the service for Children’s Church (in the building with the gym) for more music, activities, and an age-based Bible lesson.
Wednesdays at PPBC
This schedule operates during the school year.
6:15pm - 7:30pm: Youth (Grades 6-12)
6:30pm - 7:30pm: AWANA (Ages 3 years-5th Grade)
6:30pm - 7:30 pm: Adult Bible Studies
7:30pm - 8:30pm: Adult Worship Team Practice
Common Questions
1. Do you have a Sunday program for kids?
Yes! We provide nursery during both the 9:00 & 10:00 AM hours. We also have Sunday School class for K-5th grade students, as well as Children’s Church during our Morning Worship Service. Our volunteers love children and know how to teach Bible truths in a fun and safe environment. All children’s volunteers have gone through training as well as submit to background checks regularly. Our goal is to minister to your child, in a safe and loving atmosphere and give your child the foundation of personal faith in Jesus Christ and a personal experience of God’s love.
2. Does Pleasant Plains offer a Bible study before the main service?
Yes! We have Sunday School classes every Sunday morning for ALL ages. If you have children, we have loving volunteers who can meet on Sunday morning, who interact with our children as they learn truths from the Bible. We believe your child will walk away from Sunday School with great memories and with truths that will shape their week! For our adults, we have classes for all age ranges and life stages. When you visit the Welcome Center, talk to a volunteer about the type of class you’d like to attend. They will assist you in finding the Bible study group that’s right for you. Classes begin at 9:00 AM each Sunday morning.
3. Where do I park?
Your first visit to our church actually begins with a simple question, “Where do I park?” We provide Guest Parking at the front of our Welcome Center and Worship Center. Be our guest and park right near the door! This will give you one less thing to be concerned about when you arrive. Once you park, please enter our Welcome Center where our volunteers can guide you to a Bible study class, to the worship service, or help answer any question you may have. Our Worship Center is the large building— the Welcome Center is just to the side of that building and we will be ready and waiting to greet you!
4. What’s a typical service like at Pleasant Plains?
First and foremost, our services are center around the Word. You can expect to hear the Scripture read and prayed and sung and taught. Most Sundays the music in our service is led by our praise teams and choir. The song selection is a Christ-centered blend of music spanning multiple generations. The Worship Center itself is a newly renovated and updated design with movable chairs instead of pews, and we believe set in a style that enables everyone to participate in the worship service. One of the first things you will notice as the music begins is that our church loves to sing! We would love for you to come and join your voice to ours as we rejoice in the great salvation we have in Christ! You can also see current events and activities highlighted on one of our TVs in the Welcome Center, as well as on the large screens before the service begins.
5. Do I have to give money while I’m there?
Not at all. We do not want anyone giving because they feel compelled to, but more because they would choose to help support the various ministries that Pleasant Plains offers. We work hard to serve our community, our region, our state, nation and to the ends of the earth. We would love for you to consider giving if you feel led.
6. What should I wear?
We want you to come and enjoy a worship service without worrying about the style of clothes you have selected for your visit. Many of our men wear polos and khakis; some of our men wear blazers and ties; others wear jeans and a t-shirt. Some of our ladies wear dresses typical for a business meeting; others are much more causal. With all that said— we hope you see that your clothing style won’t affect your visit one bit. It’s a concern for many, until they walk in and see it needs not to be a concern at all!